Artists & Producer |
平林龍Ryu Hirabayashi |
He graduated Tokyo University of the Arts, faculty of vocal arts. He studied in Ecole
Normale de Musique de Paris, Alfred Cortot of Paris. Currently, he is a member
of ”Societe Faure du Japon”.
He performs mainly french songs in the classical style. He is a composer, pianist and
conductor for a chorus. He composes for various artists and school songs as well. He
organizes popular song recitals "Voice Salon" on a regular basis across Japan through
the magazine ”Iki-Iki(Vividly)".
November 2011. He released the major debut album "PARTIR〜Tabidachi(Going
away)" by Ponycanyon.
April 2014. He released the album ”夢のあとに(Yumeno atoni)” by Lindenbaum.
オフィシャルブログ:Official Blog:http://ryusmusic.blog.fc2.com/ |
Kazuya “Dickey” Fukuda As Busy-DKazuya “Dickey” Fukuda As Busy-D |
16歳からバンド活動を開始。18歳に初めて渡米し、さらに音楽活 動の視野を広げる。
何度となく渡米を繰り返しながら様々なアーティストとのセッション を行う。
現在は日本のメジャーシーンで活躍するアーティストのプロデュー ス、楽曲提供する傍らラジオDJとしても活動中。
FMヨコハマ「BREAK IT DOWN」毎週日曜日22:30〜23:00放送
Mihiro〜マイロ〜、JYONGRI、クリフエッジ、YU- A、ジェロ
KEN THE 390 他
From Kanagawa prefecture.
Band activities began at the age of 16. Will first go to the age of 18, and further broaden the scope of music activities.
Doing sessions with various artists while repeating visiting the United States many times.
Currently he produces artists who are active in major scenes in Japan, as well as providing music, he is also active as a radio DJ.
【Regular program】
FM Yokohama "BREAK IT DOWN" Every Sunday 22: 30 ~ 23: 00 broadcast
April 2006 -
[Produce, providing music, collaboration]
Aoyama Thelma, Tamaki Nami, Woo Sung Min, Mai fu, Maiko Nakamura
Mihiro ~ Mairo ~, JYONGRI, Cliff Edge, YU - A, Jero
KEN THE 390 others
オフィシャルサイト:Official Website:www.busy-d.com |
三上敏視(micabox)Toshimi Mikami (Micabox) |
04年5月高遠彩子をボーカリストに迎え「MICABOX」名義でdaisy world discsレーベルからアルバム『ひねもす』をリリース。
04年7月、NHK国際放送「Weekend Japanology」の「神楽」特集に出演、解説をする。
06年6月ロンドンで行われた「CITY OF LONDON FESTIVAL」にMICABOXとしてモダンルーツ・ミュージックの部門で出演。
Born in Aichi prefecture and then grew up in Tokyo, in 1980, his band,”Quotations” was formed in Sapporo with Hiromi Wada,a member of the band, ”Hachimitsu -Pai” who joined as a guitarist. He made his debut on the record label ”水族館(Suizokukan)” in 1984.
He joined the group, ”Haruomi Hosono & Pacific Rim Mongoloid Unit” in 1995. Their group has performed at the festival ”おひらきまつり(Ohiraki-Matsuri)” at Sarutanohiko shrine of Ise city since 1997. After traveling and watching shinto music and dance numbers ”里神楽(Sato-Kagura)” across Japan, he was impressed at how deeply it is rooted in Japanese music and entertainment. After that his book introducing the artform ”お神楽(Okagura)” was published by Bessatsu Taiyo in September 2001. In May 2004, Ayako Takato joined the group as a vocalist and then released the album ”Hinemosu” for ”Micabox” through the record label, Daisy World Discs.
In July 2004, he appeared on the TV special program“Weekend Japanology” for “Kagura” of NHK International Broadcasting. In June 2005, he performed at the “Jinju masque Festival” in Korea. He joined the tour as the guitarist and accordionist for “Haruomi Hosono & Tokyo Shyness” that was formed in the same year.
In June 2006, he performed modern roots music as “Micabox”at the City of London Festival in London.
He continues his Kagura field works to this day, while also writing the first Kagura guide book in Japan, ”神楽と出会う本(Kagura to deau hon/Meets Kagura)” was published by Artes Publishing in October 2009. He appears in events such as: “Kagura Video Jockey” explaining Kagura, and “Kagura Lecture” introducing Kagura through videos he has taken himself across Japan. Currently he is developing original songs that they are influenced by the authentic ”神歌(Kamiuta)” of Kagura.
道下和彦Kazuhiko Michishita |
87年ボストンのバークリー音楽大学卒業。在学中に小曽根真グループに参加。 小曽根真に紹介され、ゲーリー・バートンのツアーに参加。米の音楽情報誌 ‘Down Beat’にも紹介されるなど好評を得る。その後もボストンを中心に活動。89年、帰国後拠点を東京に移し、日野元彦セイリングワンダー、 辛島文雄グルー プANDデュオ、向井滋春グループ、タイガー大越グループ、 佐山雅弘ゴンボ等、多数のジャズグループに参加する一方で、バイオリンの 中西俊博や菅野よう子のレコーディングに参加。ジャンルにこだわらない幅広い活動を続ける。参加レコードも数多い。94年1月カザルスホールに於いて自作組曲「春」を東京ビバルディ合奏団と共演。95年1月にニューヨークの増尾好秋スタジオにてリーダー・アルバム のレコーディングを行う。アダム・ナスバウム、 ハービー・シュワルツ、マーク・ソスキン、タイガー・大越が参加。96年3月ファーストアルバム「YOU CAN DREAM」を発表。96年6月ホネ・フィルム作品3本立て映画、『しずかなあやしい午後に』で、和田誠監督作品「ガクの絵本」の音楽を担当。97年3月 フジテレビのドラマ「3番テーブルの客」の音楽を担当。同年4月より、フジテレビ「才色兼備」のバンド指導で出演。同年6月リズムエ コーズより、ギター教則本「IMPROVISATION TECHNIC」を出版。98年6月よりNHK教育テレビ「山下洋輔のジャズの掟」に出演。同年11月ニューアルバム 「ぬすまれた月」サウンドトラックを リリース。00年7月ニューアルバム『CARAVAN』Kazuhiko Michishita plays Duke Ellingtonをリリース。03年4月20日『guitar land』
He graduated Berkeley College of Music of Boston in 1987. When he was a college
student, he joined Makoto Ozone Group and then toured with Gary Burton. He gained
his fame through his appearance in the American music magazine “Down Beat”. After
that he performed mainly in Boston.
1989. He returned to Japan and then moved to Tokyo. He joined many jazz groups
such as: Motohiko Hino Seiling Wonder, Fumio Karashima Group and Duo,
Shigeharu Mukai Group, Tiger Ohkoshi Group, Masahiro Sayama, Toshihiro
Nakanishi,Yoko Kanno. He played for many recordings with artists such as Yoko
Kanno and viollinist Toshihiro Nakanishi. He is widely active as a musician.
January 1994. He performed his own musical suite “Spring” with Tokyo Vivaldi
Ensemble at Casals Hall.
January 1995. Recording of the leader album with Adam Nussbaum, Harvie Swartz,
Mark Soskin and Tiger Ohkoshi at Yoshiaki Studio of New York.
June 1996. Composition for pieces of music for one of the Hone film "ガクの絵(Gaku
no Ehon)"directed by Makoto Wada "しずかなあやしい午後に(Shizukana Ayashii
March 1997.Composition for pieces of music for the TV drama ”3 番テーブルの客
(Sanban table no kyaku)” on Fuji TV.
April 1997. Instructor for bands on Fuji TV program ”才色兼備(Saishoku Kenbi)”.
June 1997. He published the guitar book “Improvisation Technique” by Rhythm
June 1998. NHK TV program “山下洋輔のジャズの掟(Yosuke Yamashita no Jazz no
Okite)”and then released the soundtrack album “ぬすまれた月(Nusumareta Tsuki)” in
July 2000.The album "Caravan" which Kazuhiko Michishita plays Duke Ellington was
April 2003. The album "Guitar Land" was released and has performing for the tours of
jazz singer Salena Jones since 2011.
Currently he is an associate professor of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music and give
lectures on improvisation, composition, ensemble and guitar. He tours mainly as an
unit “Canatrio” with an organist Kana Kurose and he enthusiastically participates in
many musical activities.
http://ameblo.jp/wapikodon/ |
黒瀬香菜 (Organ.Keyboard.Programming.Composer.Arrenger)
Kana Kurose(Organ, Keyboard.Programming, Composer.Arranger) |
1988年5月19日生まれ、北海道苫 小牧出身、千葉県木更津市育ち。
ニューヨークにてオルガン&ピアノ奏者、Sam Yahelに指導を受け、より深いジャズの世界に浸透するようになる。
高校卒業後、洗足学園音楽大学ジャズ科に入学。すぐにギタリストの道下和彦のバンドのオルガン・キーボードとしてプロ活動を始め、 在学中から様々な著名なミュージシャン達とのツアーに参加したり共演を果たす。(須藤満、木村万作、菅沼孝三、SATOKO:Fuzzy Control…等々)
世界最高峰のギタリストTommy Emmanuel、ワールドベストシンガーSalena Jones らも絶賛!並外れたリズム感と、確かなテクニック、そして音楽的な幅の広さには定評がある。
2010年大学在学中にリーダーユニッ トアルバムSp-Uni をリリース。
現在、リーダーバンド canatrio を始め、様々なセッションバンドで都内近郊を中心に活動。ギタリスト増尾好秋のバンドPower Spotのキーボードも担当。
2014年6月黒瀬香菜として初の作品 「KEEP ME OUT!!」リリース。
She was born on May 19, 1988 in Tomakomai, Hokkaido and then grew up in
Kisarazu, Chiba. She has learned electronic organ since 3 years old and received many
prizes. When she was a 3rd grader of junior high school, she participated in Yamaha
Electronic organ Contest which is a national convention in Japan. She studied music
composition under Makoto Teranishi, Takehiko Yamada and Organist Akio Sasaki.
After that she learned jazz in New York from Sam Yahel who is well known as an
organist and pianist. After graduating from high school, she entered Senzoku Gakuen
College of Music, joined as a faculty of jazz and then began a career of professional
organist and keyboardist in Kazuhiko Michishita's band. She joined tours with many
professional musicians such as Mitsuru Sudo, Mansaku Kimura, Kozo Suganuma,
Satoko:Fuzzy Control and many more since she was a college student.
Also she is highly praised by a guitarist Tommy Emmanuel and a singer Salena Jones
who are world - renowned. She got an excellent reputation for her phenomenal
rhythmical sense, solid technique and her musical breadth.
In 2010, the leader unit album “Sp-Uni” was released when she was a college student.
Currently she performs with the band, “Canatrio,” and plays jam session with other
musicians mainly in Tokyo. Also she plays as a keyboardist with a guitarist Yoshiaki
Masuo's band “ Power Spot”.
In June 2014, she released her first album "Keep Me Out!" as a solo performer. She is
not just a performer but a producer and an arranger who shows her extraordinary
ability. She composed commercial songs and collaborated with a pop idol singer, Mai
Komone through Victor. She is given the attention as a multi-talented artist by people.
http://youtu.be/zbNatKl-t2Q http://profile.ameba.jp/cana-org-cana/ |
藤末樹 (ふじすえみき) Miki Fujisue |
所属: 株式会社ウエストライブ
楽曲提供アーチスト: SMAP・NEWS・Crystal Kay・水樹奈々・相川七瀬・AKB48・AAA・倉木麻衣・中川翔子・玉置成実・Spontania・アイドリング・遊助・茅原実里・東京女子流・misono・SUPER☆GiRLS・遊助 etc...
She is an artist who active mainly in Tokyo. She is a composer and multi creator
exceeding different type of genres.
Song Writer for: Smap, News, Crystal Kay, Nanase Aikawa, AKB48, AAA, Mai
Kuraki, Shoko Nakagawa, Narumi Tamaki, Spontania, Idoling, Yusuke,
Minori Chihara, Tokyo Girls' Style, Misono, Super☆Girls and many more.
Office: Westribe Co., Ltd
Official website: http://westribe.net |